19 November 2007

Global Warming: An Analysis

Have you noticed how little scientific evidence there is that purports to prove human causation?

Where is the evidence? Where is the proof of human causation? Where is the reasonable evidence that what has occured is above and beyond what would be considered normal for Earth?

Have you noticed that the Antarctic Ice Cap was the largest it's been in many many years this past winter?

Have you noticed recent Fall reports that the Alps have had the earliest snows on record since the 1950's and that resorts there are open much earlier than usual?

What we get from the IPCC reports and news media is more of the same warmed-over "explanations" by scientists about what is happening. These same scientists issue reports that cite temperature & atmospheric gas data, from which the scientist explains the data from their own perspective often citing "computer models" as proof that their pet theory is correct.

I am left asking, "Where is the hard science behind these explanations?"

What I get in response is, "Consensus" and "IPCC report says," and a variety of similar responses that never prove the claim nor do they provide convincing evidence that the human causation theory is valid.

What these global warming fear-mongers neglect to notice is that "consensus" does not equate to proof, nor does a long-winded explanation about data observations (without testing and theory validation) prove current climate change is out of the ordinary let alone human caused.

Some links for consideration:

Climate Too Complex For Accurate Predictions

Evidence That Arctic Temps Aren't Spiking As Claimed

Weather Channel Founder Says Global Warming Fear Is Bunk

Persistent Role Of The Sun In Climate Change

Mars Is Warming Too....

Warming Zealots

Antarctic Ice-cap Reaches Record Coverage

Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?

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